[credit to rosieofcorona for the art!]

Ravaged Beach
- Explore the southern area, find and recruit:
- Explore the Ruins
- Dank Crypt & Refectory.
- Find the button inside the crypt to open a wall leading to Withers (inside a sarcophagus).
Emerald Grove
- Talk to Zevlor. (Get Help from Healer Nettie) (Save the Refugees)
- Save Nadira (Tiefling) from a Bugbear on the hill.
- Talk to the Strange Ox.
- Talk to Doni.
- Recruit Wyll. (The Blade of Frontiers)
- Talk to Auntie Ethel. (Get Help from Auntie Ethel)
- Talk to Aradin. (Find the Nightsong)
- Talk to Komira or Locke. (Save Arabella)
- Talk to Volo.
- Talk to Kagha then speak with Zevlor. (Defeat the Goblins) (Kill Kagha)
- Read the Rite of Thorns. (Investigate Kagha) Tip: Complete this quest before saving Halsin.
- Talk to Nettie about the Mindflayer Tadpole.
- Talk to Alfira the bard (duet for musical instrument proficiency).
- Talk to caged goblin prisoner, Sazza, free her if you wish (use stones, jumping/tunnels nearby). (Save the Goblin Sazza)
- Talk to the tiefling children:
- Talk to and browse the wares of Mattis. (Find Your Belongings)
- Save a tiefling child, Mirkon from harpies on the eastern shore. (Investigate the Beach)
- Talk to Barth or Meli. (Return the Locket)
- Save Arabella from Kagha in Emerald Grove.
- If children were not threatened, Mirkon saved, Meli keeps the locket, and Arabella saved:
- Recruit Karlach. (I feather fall’d from Zevlor’s cave/office exit, where you can find Lakrissa)
- Talk to Andrick or Brynna to get a Mind Flayer Parasite Specimen from Edowin.
Below the bridge to Goblin Village:
- Explore Owlbear Cave:
- Avoid killing Owlbear Cub (Mother can be killed or spared).
- Collect Owlbear Egg (Do not use it as food).
- Find and recruit Scratch the dog.
- Keep letters you find.
Long rest! (I took 5 to get through camp scenes before Blighted Village)
Blighted Village
- Clear the village of enemies. (or persuade or intimidate)
- Gave Gale an artefact to eat.
- Visit the barn.
- Talk to Lump the Enlightened and get his War Horn.
- In one of the houses, loot Highcliff’s Journal or Highcliff’s Blueprints in the basement. (Finish the Masterwork Weapon)
- Save Barcus the gnome (tied to windmill). (Rescue the Gnome)
- Interact with the Apothecary’s Ledger within the Apothecary’s House. (Search the Cellar)
- Find blacksmith:
- Collect Infernal Iron.
- In the basement of the Blacksmith's House - in the chest with Highcliff's Blueprints.
- In the locked room above Dror Ragzlin's throne in the Shattered Sanctum.
- Received from Kith in Grymforge if all three checks are passed about the Ruins.
- In the locked room on the left in the back of the Zentharim’s Hideout.
- Inside the Mason's Guild in Reithwin Town in the Shadow-Cursed Lands. (Act 2)
- Fix Karlach’s heart (only needs two upgrades) (Give iron to Dammon in Druids’ Grove, in The Hollow, or Last Light Inn, in the barn, or in the Lower City, at the Forge of the Nine). (The Hellion’s Heart)
Sunlit Wetlands
- Interact with Gandrel.
- Find evidence against Kagha (south-east).
- Confront Kagha in Druids’ Grove
- Head to Auntie Ethel’s House (south-west):
- Take her +1 stat boost offer (or kill her before she escapes).
- Save Mayrina in the basement. (Save Mayrina)
- Wear the masks or pass checks at the door.
The Risen Road
North-east: Talk to Anders, Cyrel, and Trynn in the Toll House. (Hunt the Devil)
Cross the broken bridge, go east to find Karlach. (if not recruited already)
North-west: Kill Gnolls, save Rugan and Olly. (Find the Missing Shipment) Tip: Rugan tells the party the password to the Zhentarim Hideout via talking or Speak with Dead.
- Keep Zhentarim cache unopened until Act III for extra content (or open it for a surprise).
Long rest! (just the one this time)
Waukeen’s Rest & Zhentarim Hideout
Save two people trapped in fire in Waukeen's Rest. (Rescue the Grand Duke) (Rescue the Trapped Man)
Find barn to the west (entrance to Zhentarim hideout)
- Turn in the Zhentarim cache or keep for Act III, if taken.
- Can kill all NPCs inside if you want to (depending on your choices with Rugan and Olly) and free slaves/painter. (Free the Artist)
- Proceed west with Lae'zel, meet Githyanki scouting party.
- Cross the bridge toward the Githyanki Crèche but do not travel, just for the cutscene.
Goblin Camp & Shattered Sanctum
- Cross bridge from Blighted Village to Goblins:
- Goblin Camp:
- Talk to Volo. (Rescue Volo)
- Free Owlbear Cub (Interact for two long rests).
- Poison goblin booze (if planning to kill them).
- Shattered Sanctum:
- Explore everything.
- Kill everyone (you can talk to the goblins, finish their quests, then kill them anyway)
- Talk to Roah Moonglow.
- Talk to Abdirak. (Fail constitution rolls, pass performance or intimidation rolls for permanent bonus; Loviatar’s Love)
- Free Liam, Volo, Halsin. (Rescue the Druid Halsin)
- Knock out or kill Minthara (recent patches allow later recruitment if knocked out).
- Talk to Minthara, if Sazza was freed. (Raid the Emerald Grove)
- Convince Minthara to spare Sazza (for later achievement).
- Talk to Priestess Gut, accept or deny the Brand of the Absolute.
- Talk to Dror Ragzlin (or fight him if aggro’d after Gut’s death)
- Go back to Emerald Grove.
- Talk to Rikka back at Emerald Grove. (Find Doni) (if goblin leaders are kept alive)
- Talk to the NPCs.
- Talk to Zevlor.
- Talk to Halsin.
Whispering Depths
- Enter Spider’s Cave:
- Long rest! (did the first one above ground then did the following six in the Whispering Depths; total of seven)
- Multiple entrances:
- Selunite Outpost (south-east).
- Arcane Tower (south-west):
- Myconid Outpost (north):
- Save Baelen (north-west, minefield), talk to his wife (don’t heal him).
- Sussur Tree (south):
- Festering Cove (south-center) with BOOOAL worshippers:
- Beach:
- Interact with Corsair Greymon.
- Talk to Sergeant Thrinn, complete their quests (or loot, pillage, kill). (Find the Missing Boots)
- Save Philomeen (north-east). (Find Explosives)
- South: Save gnomes by killing Nere (take his head to Sovereign Spaw). (Deliver Nere's Head)